
Geometry is the branch of mathematics. It has been interlocked with many other subjects and different kinds of human activities. As the sets of numbers are the building blocks of Arithmetic and Algebra, sets of points are building blocks of Arithmetic and Algebra, sets of points are geometric ideas that cannot be seen or touched, but many things in everyday life are good approximations of these ideas.
Geometry is related to Physical objects and to the experiences of sight and touch. It is a system of ideas, that geometric facts are obtained by reason rather than by observation and that geometry is a matter of logic. These two different above mentioned points of view are two worlds of geometry i.e. Physical and Mathematical. Physical geometry deals with the actual measurements, directly of indirectly, of those properties of physical objects that relate to such idea as distance, angle, size and shape.
The word 'Geometry' is derived from two Greek words 'Geo' and 'Metry' Geometry means 'earth-measurement' of measurement of the earth. Geometry is a branch of mathematics, without which the development of other areas of mathematics would have been incomplete. In the beginning, the subject has developed from the empirical procedures with which the Greeks were familiar. It is known that the Greeks didn't originate geometry but became acquainted with the subject through their intercourse with the Egptians, who, by tradition, where the first to develop this gifted race employed some of the principles of geometry is land surveying, together with some developments. Such partical application of geometry appears to have originated in the annual recurrence of widespread floods in the Nial Valley. Originally the work was undertaken by the priests; to accomplish it they applied certain geometrical principles, many of which they, no doubt, discovered. As a result, the construction of their massive temples, tombs and prymamids were accomplished with a considerable knowledge of geometry and mechanical principles.
